The Cause

HeartKids is the only national not-for-profit organisation who is solely focused on supporting and advocating for all people impacted by childhood onset heart disease, one of the largest causes of infant death in Australia. Our purpose is to help every child, teenager, and adult in Australia with CHD have a fighting chance to live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Our support is a commitment for life because there is no known cure. People with congenital or childhood acquired heart disease face unique challenges for their entire life.


 Logan's Story

Before he was born, Logan was diagnosed with congenital heart disease (CHD). When he was born, Logan went straight into intensive care, and at a fragile 2.8kg and just 3 days old, he underwent 9 hours of open-heart surgery, to repair his heart into a configuration he could survive with. Those days in intensive care were harrowing for his parents. It would be 10 days before they would get to hold their precious son.

The first month Logan spent in hospital was the toughest period in his parents lives, and they embraced the support offered by HeartKids Victoria at the Childrens Hospital in Melbourne.

By the time he was two, Logan had blossomed into a happy, tenacious and inquisitive toddler. When Logan was three, he discovered a love for cycling, and there has been no holding him back. This love led to Logans first event, a 30km cycle, in 2019, at just 6 years old. His cardiologist gave the nod of approval, and Logan smashed out the entire distance in just 2 1/2 hours. Logan has since ridden a total of 110km in registered events, and has raised over $5000 for HeartKids Australia.

Logan will continue to face challenges, as every child does, but with the additional adversities that come with having CHD. Logan is inspiring, courageous, positive, and willing to try just about anything and refuses to succumb to opinions that might put limits on him. There is nothing holding this hero back.